About Me

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Hello! I am a former Educator who specialized in teaching Infants and Toddlers with Special Needs. Currently my focus is on raising my own children and building a loving home for my family. On the side I am the Co-Coordinator of a WONDERFUL moms ministry that pours into moms of young children so they can pour into their own families. I started writing this blog to share some of my life experiences, with the hope that it could help someone who might be going through the same things. Laughter has been some of the best medicine for me, in addition to my faith, and knowing that in the words of my 80 something year old grandmother "This too shall pass." ENJOY!

Friday, October 17, 2014

I am back!

It has been awhile since I have blogged, but I've had a few recent encounters that have encouraged me to start up again. Stay tuned......:)